Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Welcome one and all, or at least those who are reading this.

Why, Hello there! I'm Griff, and this is my blog... wow that was very generic. This is a blog about whatever pops into my head. This could mean: video games, music, politics, school, life as a nerd, and so much more, because this is the pressing stuff YOU the reader want to hear. If you laughed at that last sentence then come on, you should love my wonderful banter (who am I kidding? This is my ravings you'll probably hate it, but read on anyways!), but if you didn't laugh then you probably ought to leave now because I HATE YOUR GUTS!! If you stopped reading then... wait a minute, I just realized that if you stopped reading that means that you didn't get this far, never mind. So welcome back my friends to the show that never end. You probably didn't get that. Well... ummmm... it's an old song Karn Evil 9, look it up. But I've got to go, before anyone's head explodes with my bad joke. I bid you adieu.